Otherworld RSS
Read more: Episode 11: Obscure Gods (Gnomes)
Episode 11: Obscure Gods (Gnomes)
Jack flies to Chicago to interview Sean Johns and Gina in person and find out exactly what exactly these Gnomes are all about. They explain th...Read more -
Read more: Episode 10: Sean and Gina
Episode 10: Sean and Gina
Sean Johns and his wife Gina are both Romani, an ethnic group many people know by term the derogatory term "Gypsy". The Romani people are a ve...Read more -
Read more: Episode 9: Over the Fence
Episode 9: Over the Fence
Chance was hiking with his dad and cousin while on vacation in Hawaii as a teenager. They had just visited the Kilauea Iki Crater and were hea...Read more -
Read more: Episode 8: My Brother's Keeper
Episode 8: My Brother's Keeper
When Jon was growing up, his older brother Andy was his best friend. He was known to go around town with him like a sidekick. One night they w...Read more -
Read more: Episode 7: The Tunnel
Episode 7: The Tunnel
A college freshman arrives to Connecticut College and discovers that his room is on the basement level of his dorm. An older student on the fl...Read more -
Read more: Episode 6: Kareem and the Djinn
Episode 6: Kareem and the Djinn
Kareem emailed Otherworld months ago saying that he was sexually assaulted by a Djinn (a mysterious entity known in Islamic culture, known in ...Read more -
Read more: Episode 5: The Messenger
Episode 5: The Messenger
Shane and his Aunt Anne tell us about strange things that have been happening to her and their family. Anne has been receiving messages and vi...Read more -
Read more: Episode 4: The Man in the Hat Part 2
Episode 4: The Man in the Hat Part 2
In part two of The Man in the Hat we speak to the site owner, administrator, and researcher for The Hatman Project in hopes of getting some an...Read more -
Read more: Episode 3: The Man in the Hat Part 1
Episode 3: The Man in the Hat Part 1
Lucas had terrifying lucid nightmares of a dark entity while sleeping in his brother’s old room. Years later, he found out that his brother ha...Read more